The Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary of the Oceanic Energy Administration (BOEM) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced Wednesday the successful digital acoustic tagging of 14 sei whales off the coast of Massachusetts. The sei whale is one of the most endangered large whales in the North Atlantic. This is the first time researchers have successfully tagged an endangered species in the United States using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone. Drones enable researchers to target specific animals in a group or to tag groups.

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UK-based subsea services company Modus has commissioned its control room in Darlington, UK. The launch is the culmination of a £24 million ($29.8 million) investment plan. Modus uses a subsea hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle (HAUV) to map underwater topography and inspect pipelines, cables and subsea structures. The vehicles can be deployed internationally and operated from the Darlington control room.

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Ohmsett is the only organization in the United States that conducts comprehensive oil spill response research and training in the use of live oil. It is also being used to test renewable energy technologies such as marine hydrodynamic generators. As part of BSEE's ongoing maintenance programme, Ohmsett has undergone major renovations over the past eight months. The facility undergoes extensive maintenance every five years, including the dismantling, dismantling and inspection of major equipment. U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Commandos assisted BSEE in refilling the largest 667-foot wave tank of its kind in North America with seawater from Sandy Hook Bay.

The three-day operation ends on March 24, 2022. Testing, research and training have resumed for domestic and foreign customers as part of the maintenance of the facility is complete. Clients have quickly booked their spots and filled Ohmsett's schedule for the rest of the year.e

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The Glosten-designed vessel will replace the existing RV Thuwal, which was originally designed as a fishing vessel in Australian coastal waters. The RV will be equipped with advanced positioning systems to enable long-term long-range and autonomous vehicle deployment as well as geoscience sampling systems.

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CorPower Ocean will unveil its next-generation C4 wave energy converter and its new "CorPack concept", providing the cornerstone for future wave energy farms. The unveiling will take place on June 15 in Stockholm, Sweden. The CorPower C4 device will be designed as part of a four-system wave energy array located off the coast of Agusadura.

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CRP Subsea has invested in a new precision-engineered manufacturing cell to support its growing manufacturing production needs. The dedicated cell expanded its machining capabilities by introducing a 5-axis CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine and a 3-axis turning center. The new unit will be used to produce the internal clamps of the distributed buoyancy modules.

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Bayonet Ocean Vehicles was formed following the acquisition of C-2 Innovations' line of undersea crawling robots. Headquartered in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the company shares with Greensea a newly renovated 17,000-square-foot manufacturing facility with waterfront access for year-round testing and training. The robots have been renamed the Bayonet 150, Bayonet 250 and Bayonet 350 vehicles. Their applications include amphibious operations and coastal warfare, such as mine detection and mine clearance.

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Through years of work and experience in solving construction and production problems, more and more science has been incorporated into products and processes. Increasingly, self-developed electronics, a development laboratory, computer programs, and computer-aided informatics and organizations were used. At the end of the 60's, the" Research and Development" unit was established, and at the end of the 70's, the "Jugoturbine Institute". The development of basic products remained in the working organizations for the production of steam turbines, engines and pumps, but more and more laboratories, computer capacities, development and investment engineers were concentrated in the Institute, which reached 330 employee's in the mid-1980s.

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Education as one of the most important determinants of the factory's survival was incomplete without a complete concept, with an insufficient number and uncoordinated structure of employees. For a example is the fact that in times of financial crisis, the company employed 35 graduate mechanical engineers, which was still insufficient given the volume of production. Due to the need for workers, a comprehensive and comprehensive program of support for education and engagement of workers has been defined.

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The market share of marine diesel engines is expected to grow rapidly owing to rising environmental awareness and increasing retrofit efforts. Various government measures to reduce marine pollution across the ECA may impact the demand for low-emission engines. Reductions in CO2 emissions and affordable prices in economically viable locations are some of the key factors driving product installations. The U.S. marine diesel industry is expected to grow significantly through 2027 as the situation normalizes. Rising import and export activities, and subsequent exploration efforts to meet expanding diesel demand, are likely to positively impact the industry outlook in 2021-2027. Worsening crude oil prices favor the deployment of diesel because of its higher efficiency compared to current alternatives.

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