Friday, 09 September 2016 13:19

MXP Dedicated turbocharger designed and optimized for marine auxiliary engines

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First dedicated turbocharger from ABB Turbocharging designed specifically for small bore medium-speed marine auxiliary diesel engine platforms with up to 2MW power output.
MXP has been designed to fulfil the specific needs of the marine auxiliary market in terms of operation, efficiency and maintenance. The dedicated technology enables optimum operation and performance for auxiliary engine applications, while the robust and yet simplistic design allows for easy maintenance, based on a self-service condition-based maintenance (CBM) model, which translates into lower maintenance costs for the end customer. Essential to the customer-centric design is the user-friendly maintenance concept of MXP that is supported with a digital self-service application, giving crew members the flexibility to independently maintain the turbocharger wherever and whenever necessary, using standard tools while the vessel is operational.

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