Thursday, 22 December 2022 13:49

Growing energy needs fuelling rise in data centre emissions

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Tim Hannon of Futureproof Clare is taking on Ireland's fast-growing data center industry and its growing carbon footprint. The proposed 450 million-euro data center on the outskirts of Ennis would require 200 megawatts of electricity, "the equivalent of 200,000 homes," he said. According to planning documents, the center's electricity use will generate 657,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent emissions per year. Ireland has experienced unprecedented growth in the data center industry, accelerating from a blip on the international radar a decade ago to become the largest data center market in Europe. The traditional advantages of setting up shop in Ireland, such as political stability and a well-educated, English-speaking workforce, are combined with Dublin's key advantages - the transatlantic cable system and 44km fiber ring linking all major business parks.

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